6 semesters
210 ECTS points
Logistics is one of the most important engines of the global economy, in Germany indeed it is the third largest economic sector – ahead of the electronics industry and mechanical engineering. In order for the economy not to come to a standstill, the rapidly growing flows of goods and commodities must be organised – all around the world, efficiently and on time. In our increasingly digitised economy, experts are needed to ensure that containers arrive punctually at the factory and parcels arrive on time in private households.
Intelligent concepts for transport, storage and order picking enable smooth processes – by water, by land or in the air. Our students become skilled professionals in this field and at the DHBW Mannheim they acquire the necessary know-how for controlling and further developing modern logistics processes. For this purpose, the curriculum combines general business administration topics such as marketing and cost accounting with logistics-specific content such as logistics management (including supply chain management). There are three subject areas in which students can specialise, depending on their personal interests.
An exciting extra on this course: impressive excursions to the North Sea ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg and Bremerhaven.
Logistics play an important role in almost every company. Forwarding and transportation concepts for rapid deliveries and the constant availability of goods are in demand like never before. Students successfully completing their career-integrated degree in logistics have excellent opportunities for a career as a skilled professional and/or manager in a varied working environment with an international outlook. Over 30% of the students on this course are women, a significant proportion which shows that the course, but also the logistics sector itself, has long since ceased to be a purely male domain.
By the way, the DHBW's CAS also offers a career-integrated Master of Logistics (MBM Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Production).