Company Information

Cooperating companies of DHBW which are planning to sign a study and workplace training contract with a graduate from a 3-year diploma course at one of the polytechnics in Singapore should get in touch with the Economic Development Board in Singapore and one of the participating polytechnics. 

Admission of students to the DHBW is determined upon

  1. Graduation certificate from a Singapore polytechnic with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.4 at the time of application. The GPA is subject to review every three years.
  2. One of the following language certificates:
    "TestDaF" (Test of German as a Foreign Language) with an overall result of either 16 points, with the flexibility to combine different results in the subtests, or 15 points AND an official confirmation letter by the cooperating company to assume responsibility for the successful participation of the student in the programme or "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule". 
  3. Successful completion of a preparatory math test at the respective DHBW site prior to the start of the study programme.
  4. Signing of a study and workplace training contract with the respective DHBW partner. 

Cooperating companies can find more information about DHBW Mannheim’s service here