
The interplay of forces

Movement, strength, energy, intelligence and efficiency. Mechatronics combines modules from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, energy management, information technology and economics to form an interdisciplinary whole. Career development opportunities in the industry are similarly varied. Like the career-integrated degree courses at the DHBW Mannheim, they combine natural and engineering sciences in an integrated way, supplemented by business fundamentals.

  • General Mechatronics: successfully combining mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, business administration and information technology and developing system-oriented solutions.
  • Power Industry: understanding the entire activity spectrum of an energy supplier and actively contributing to shaping the energy transition. Unique in Germany: the course includes sitting the stock exchange trader exam at the EEX energy exchange in Leipzig.
  • Automotive Systems Engineering and eMobilityskilfully designing electric drives and energy supply systems and integrating them into systems.

A special feature of the DHBW Mannheim: integrated training as a skilled electrician. During their bachelor studies, students of General Mechatronics (optional) and Automotive Systems Engineering and eMobility (mandatory) have the opportunity to train as qualified electricians. This is the only degree to offer a qualification for specialist tasks in the high-voltage sector and increase graduates' attractiveness for the labour market.