Computer Science with a focus on Artificial Intelligence

You will be in great demand as a Data Scientist or Data Engineer in data-driven organisations

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are modern technologies that are now being successfully implemented in many industrial applications, including image and speech recognition. The potential is enormous, as are the development opportunities for skilled professionals in this field, where the associated professions of data scientist and data engineer are among the most sought-after and well-paid jobs in the tech industry in almost all sectors.

Use and translate large volumes of data

However, the full potential of machine learning is only achieved within the framework of a modern IT infrastructure which is generally cloud-based and enables large volumes of data to be processed. Our students therefore gain the full knowledge required to understand, enable and use AI and machine learning as fully-fledged computer scientists through a thorough knowledge of the state-of-the-art IT infrastructures. They prepare unstructured data for analysis purposes, model and scale databases and thus secure the data flow within a company.

All the essential elements to generate knowledge with AI

The course content is specifically designed for this purpose, and consists of classic IT subjects, such as the basics of hardware and software or IT security, and "data" modules, such as data visualisation and visual analytics, cloud technologies or the Internet of Things and Big Data, and modules on machine learning and its mathematical principles. The content of the theoretical phases are applied and studied in more detail during the practical phases to prepare students for exciting roles as data specialists after 3 years of study.